Monday, June 22, 2015

The 50 Best Characters From "Game of Thrones" (PART TWO)

Game of Thrones is a fantastic television show. I would even go as far as to say it's hands down the best show on T.V. right now. Us fans only get ten episodes a year because the show takes so long to film, but those ten episodes always feel extremely special. There are hardly ever any "boring" parts due to the absolutely phenomenal world that author George R.R. Martin has created. There is so much stuff going on in the world of "GoT" that it's almost impossible to keep track of all of it. Sometimes you need to watch an episode three separate times just to make sure you didn't miss anything.

While the show is mainly known for it's violence, nudity, cruelty, and battles, it's also known for the crazy amount of interesting characters in it. There are so many interesting characters in this world that the show creators have had to cut some of them out because there's no way they could fit them all into the show. My job here is to rank all the characters we've actually seen on the show and how interesting they are. It's not an easy job, but someone's gotta do it. That someone is me.....

First though? A few quick notes:

-I'm ranking characters mainly based on what they've done on the show, but since I've actually read the books, it's hard for me to separate them sometimes. Therefore I will be taking what that person has done in the books into consideration when I rank them.

-Since "GoT" is a show based on books, I decided to post pictures of what the character is supposed to look like if you go by the books. It's just a fun little experiment to see how well the casting people have done as far as it pertains to a certain character.

-This is not a list of my PERSONAL favorite characters. If it was, King Joffrey would probably be #1 (insert smiley face emoji). Instead, this is a combination of how much I like the character and how interesting the character is. If the character is boring as hell, you won't see them ranked here.

-If you've never seen the show or have any intentions on reading the book, DO NOT READ THIS! This is filled with spoilers from the books and the T.V. shows. Consider this your warning.......

Top 50 Characters from "Game of Thrones"

Part Two

25. Brienne of Tarth

House: Tarth

From: Evenfall

Dead/Alive: Alive

Brief Synopsis: She may not be the prettiest lady in Westeros, but who doesn't love them some Brienne? She's one of the best swords(wo)man in the land and even though she doesn't have the greatest track record when it comes to protecting people (Renly Baratheon & Catelynn Stark for example), you would still rather have her on your side than against you. Don't believe me? Just ask The Hound and Stannis Baratheon. 

24. Loras Tyrell

House: Tyrell

From: Highgarden

Dead/Alive: Alive/Presumed dead in the books (Cersei is sent word while she's imprisoned that Loras is gravely injured while taken Dragonstone from Stannis' men)

Brief Synopsis: Loras Tyrell doesn't do much on the show other than kiss and have sex with other guys, but he makes the list at #24 mainly because the guy is a legit bad ass, especially in the books. Much like Brienne, Loras is one of the best fighters in Westeros and is a guy you want on your side, not against you. Remember when he dismounted The Mountain in season one and then helped the Lannisters defeat Stannis in the "Battle of the Blackwater". He looks soft, but don't cross this guy.

23. Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish

House: Baelish

From: The Fingers

Dead/Alive: Alive

Brief Synopsis: I dislike Petyr Baelish with a passion, but you can't help and give the guy props for being one of the most interesting characters on the show. You never know which side of the fence "Littlefinger" is playing on, and that alone makes him one of the most powerful people in Westeros. I would be absolutely lying to you though if I said I didn't want to see the ghost of Ned Stark come out of Melisandre's vagina and stab Baelish like Arya Stark just killed Meryn Trant in the season finale of season 5. That's called revenge "Littlefinger". Get used to it you prick.

22. Melisandre

House: Faith of R'hllor

From: Asshai

Dead/Alive: Alive

Brief Synopsis: Melisandre makes the cut at #22, not only because she's one of the best looking women on the show, but because she scares the absolute crap out of me and there's no way I'm leaving her off of this list. That aside, her character has done some pretty important things thus far on the show and her importance is only going to grow from here. Sorry to spoil it for everybody, but she will be responsible for bringing Jon Snow back in season 6. Do you think she just randomly showed up at Castle Black for no reason in the season finale? No. She saw a vision of Stannis getting beat by the Bolton's and moved back to find Jon Snow....who she knows is way more important than Stannis for reasons only book readers know. We all know that no one on "Game of Thrones" is dead until you see their heads chopped off. Melisandre will move up in the rankings next year after she brings our Lord Commander back to life and he gets revenge on all those Night's Watch bastards that staged a mutiny against him. Screw you Alliser Thorne.

21. Jaqen H'gar

House: Unknown (allegiance to the Faceless Men)

From: Braavos

Dead/Alive: Alive

Brief Synopsis: Jaqen H'ghar doesn't do much in the books, but the guys behind the television show decided to give him a bigger role. No one's really complaining though.

20. Sansa Stark

House: Stark

From: Winterfell

Dead/Alive: Alive

Brief Synopsis: What can you say about Sansa? Hasn't she been through enough already? Can't we just give the girl a happy ending already or is she going to end up losing a limb or two soon? I don't know, but I'm interested in where her current storyline with "Reek" is going and the words "interesting" and "Sansa Stark" don't usually go together that much.......

19. Catelyn Tully/Stark

House: Stark

From: Winterfell

Dead/Alive: Dead (in the book, she's brought back to life by the Brotherhood without Banners as "Lady Stoneheart" and is out for revenge against anyone who wronged her family)

Brief Synopsis: The wife of Ned Stark has a rough time in the "Game of Thrones" world. Her life changes forever when King Robert comes into town and offers Ned the position of the King's Hand. From there, it's all down hill for Catelynn. She does her best to try and help Ned prove that the Lannisters were the ones behind the death of Jon Arryn and many other dastardly deeds and she ends up paying the ultimate price when she's murdered at the hands of the Frey's at the "Red Wedding". Book fans know what happens next. Her body is found by the "Brotherhood without Banners" and they bring her back to life under the form of "Lady Stoneheart"....a zombie-like character who is out for revenge against anyone who wronged her. It's a damn crime that we haven't gotten this character on the show itself. WE NEED LADY STONEHEART!!!!!!

18. Varys

House: Unknown (allegiance to the Realm)

From: Lys

Dead/Alive: Alive

Brief Synopsis: Varys is a hard character to get a read on. We think he's a good guy, but no one is entirely sure. Throughout the entire series, we are left wondering what Varys intentions really are. Who is he really behind? The Starks? The Lannisters? The Tarygaryens? It appears as though Varys is trying to help Daenerys Targaryen get back into power, but no one really knows for sure because the guy just can't be trusted. One thing is for sure though. It's better to have him on your side, than against it.

17. Daario Naharis

House: Unknown (allegiance to the Stormcrows and Daenerys Targaryen)

From: Tyrosh

Dead/Alive: Alive

Brief Synopsis: I love me some Daario Naharis. He's an absolutely fascinating character on the T.V. show and he's even more interesting in the book. He's fantastic when it comes to combat and he's even better when it comes to charming the pants off of people. He'll chop your block off and sleep with your woman immediately afterwards. Who can't respect that?

16. Cersei Lannister/Baratheon

House: Lannister (allegiance to House Baratheon.....through name only)

From: Casterly Rock

Dead/Alive: Alive

Brief Synopsis: Look. No one should like Cersei Lannister. She's arguably partially responsible for every bad thing that has happened in the "Game of Thrones" world. She's evil, plain and simple. However, she is also easily one of the most interesting characters on the show. The only people she seems to care about our herself, her children, and her family (minus her brother Tyrion and her off and on relationship with Jaime). She always seems to be working some kind of plan that results in her getting more power and her enemies getting murdered in some kind of brutal fashion. She doesn't have a whole lot of redeeming qualities outside of her looks, but that's why we love her, right? Plus, Lena Headey absolutely kills it on the show whenever she's on screen as Cersei Lannister. Bad person. Fantastic character.

15. Stannis Baratheon

House: Baratheon

From: Storm's End

Dead/Alive: Alive in the books/Presumed dead on the show

Brief Synopsis: Stannis is one of those guys that's hard to get a read on. You really want to like him, but he makes it hard to do just that with some of his questionable decisions he makes. He's the best military commander in Westeros and he's not extremely likable. He's made decisions that have left "GoT" fans scratching their heads, namely selling people up the river in order to get what he wants from Melisandre and the "Lord of Light". Sacrificing his own daughter to the "Lord of Light" in order to get to Winterfell to fight the Bolton's on the T.V. show was one of the hardest scenes to watch in television history and that definitely didn't do Stannis any favors as far as his likability factor goes. He had a pretty memorable scene in the season finale where it appeared he was killed at the hands of Brienne of Tarth, but I'm not convinced. Why would they cut away and not show Stannis die on a show that LOVES violence like "Game of Thrones"? Because the guy might not be dead. That's why.

14. Barristan Selmy

House: Selmy (allegiance to Daenerys Targaryen)

From: Harvest Hall

Dead/Alive: Alive in the books/Dead on the show

Brief Synopsis: I love me some Barristan Selmy. "GoT" experts know that Barristan is arguably the greatest fighter in the realm, even in his old age. The once proud member of the Kingsguard was dismissed from his duty once Joffrey became king. Everyone knew this wasn't a wise move by King Joff, and it showed once Barristan showed up later and swore his sword to that of Daenerys Targaryen. Barristan quickly became Dany's #1 confidant (replacing Jorah Mormont) and ends up paying for it with his life when he is sneak attacked by the "Sons of the Harpy" (on the show at least...). This was one of the hardest deaths for me to take personally. Barristan was one of the most decorated fighters in the realm and the show didn't do his character enough justice for me. He deserved better.

13. Robert Baratheon

House: Baratheon

From: Storm's End

Dead/Alive: Dead (Died while on a boar hunt after his wine was poisoned by Lancel Lannister)

Brief Synopsis: Part of me wishes King Robert Baratheon would've been around longer than he actually was. He was an extremely interesting character with a rich history (ROBERT'S REBELLION FTW!!!) that needed to be explored more. Instead, we just get to see Robert yell at a few people, bark some orders, drink and eat a lot, and ultimately end up dead due to his backstabbing wife. Robert was such a drunk that he failed to see what was happening around him. That doesn't sound like the guy who caved in Rhaegar Targaryen's chest on the Trident in an effort to take the crown for himself.

12. The Mountain (Gregor Clegane)

House: Clegane (allegiance to House Lannister)

From: Clegane's Keep

Dead/Alive: Alive....kinda (If you watched the season finale, you saw what Gregor Clegane is now. A gigantic zombie-like creature that's now officially a member of the Kingsguard)

Brief Synopsis: "The Mountain That Rides The World" is a character who has few lines in either the book or the T.V. show, but his reputation speaks for itself. He's arguably one of the most feared men in Westeros and that alone is based on his absolutely incredible size. Not only is he almost as big as the Wall, but he's also an evil son of a bitch and that my a scary combination for anyone. The Mountain ends up meeting his fate during an intense battle with Oberyn Martell who poisons him. Lucky for the Mountain though, Cersei Lannister has that weird son of a bitch Qyburn helping her "put him back together". Qyburn does exactly that in the form of an even BIGGER version of The Mountain named "Ser Robert Strong". Ya, good luck with that one good guys.....

11. Oberyn Martell

House: Martell

From: Dorne

Dead/Alive: Dead (Had his head crushed by The Mountain in one of the most gruesome scenes you will ever seen on television)

Brief Synopsis: Oberyn Martell shows up on "Game of Thrones" in season four and from the start, his mission is clear. He's in King's Landing to get revenge for his sister Elia who was murdered by The Mountain during the "Sack of King's Landing". He almost gets it to. During an intense trial by combat for Tyrion Lannister where Oberyn is representing Tyrion against the Mountain, Oberyn poisons Gregor Clegane and gets the upper hand on him. However, Oberyn can't let his taste for revenge go as he starts running his mouth instead of finishing off The Mountain. What happens next is extremely brutal. The Mountain ends up turning the tides on Oberyn and CRUSHING HIS HEAD LIKE A GOD DAMN GRAPE! Seriously! Don't believe me?

10. Bronn

House: Unknown

From: Blackwater

Dead/Alive: Alive

Brief Synopsis: Bronn is a much better character on the show than in the books. He actually doesn't do a whole lot in the books, but the television guys obviously thought pretty highly of his character as they have expanded his role on the show. When we first meet Bronn, he's just a random sellsword looking to make some money. Then he runs into his meal ticket in the form of Tyrion Lannister and it's all uphill for Bronn from there. Say what you want about the guy, because he doesn't care. All I know is, I wouldn't want to cross him. 

9. Khal Drogo

House: Dothraki

From: Vaes Dothrak

Dead/Alive: Dead (died from an infection he suffered after a fight with another dothraki)

Brief Synopsis: I love me some Khal Drogo. The only thing bad about Khal Drogo was, he died too quick for my taste. This guy was one of the most feared fighters in the land. He was married to Daenerys Targaryen and the two of them were all set to to take over Westeros (we think....) and then it happened. Drogo ended up getting into an altercation with one of his own men and suffered a fatal wound in the battle. He probably could've been cured had it not been for Dany trusting Mirri Maz Duur and her witch powers that ended up ultimately killing Drogo. Oh well. You live and you learn, right?

8. The Hound (Sandor Clegane)

House: Clegane

From: Clegane's Keep

Dead/Alive: Presumed dead (We never actually see The Hound die even though he looks to be mortally wounded. Plus, there are theories abound that he's still alive in the book and is in hiding in the Saltpans)

Brief Synopsis: The Hound is awesome and let's face it....we all missed this crazy burnt bastard this season, didn't we? When we first meet The Hound, it's not clear how we feel about him. He's King Joffrey's "protector" at first and since no one likes King Joffrey, we kind of lumped The Hound in there with him. Then he has the line of the season in season two ("Fuck the Kingsguard, fuck the city, and fuck the King!") and our feelings start to change about him. Sandor Clegane ends up running into Arya Stark and just when we think he might put an end to her, he actually ends up "dying" trying to protect her. I say "dying" because we never actually see him die and in the "Game of Thrones"'re not dead unless you get your body burned or your head chopped off and neither happened to The Hound. Don't be surprised if he eventually shows back up on the show. That's not a spoiler, but an educated guess.

7. Ned Stark

House: Stark

From: Winterfell

Dead/Alive: Dead (Was beheaded by Ser Illyn Payne by the orders of King Joffrey Baratheon over some bullshit)

Brief Synopsis: Poor Eddard Stark. During the first season of "Game of Thrones" we are under the impression that Ned Stark is pretty much the main character of the show. He seems like he's the most noble guy in the realm and the one guy you can get behind and feel good about it. In a world surrounded by giants, White Walkers, sellswords, stonemen, and many other horrors....Ned Stark was the balance between good and evil. And then it happened. Ned's world fell apart quickly once he found out the truth about the Queen and her children and once he set out to expose the truth, he ended up paying the ultimate price. I'm not going to lie to you when I say I miss ol' Ned Stark. Imagine how different the show would be had King Joffrey Baratheon actually sent Ned to the Wall instead of cutting his head off.

6. Joffrey Baratheon

House: Baratheon (although we all know he's a Lannister)

From: King's Landing

Dead/Alive: Dead (Poisoned by Petyr Baelish and Oleanna Tyrell)

Brief Synopsis: This probably isn't going to be a popular choice, but I don't care. I love me some Joffrey Baratheon. It's no secret that I'm a BIG fan of villains. A great villain can sometimes turn a T.V. show from good to great (think Gus Fring from "Breaking Bad" for example) and Joffrey Baratheon did that for me. Everytime he was on the screen, he was doing something extremely ruthless it felt like. Whether it was torturing poor Sansa Stark, having The Hound chase down and kill the Butcher's Boy, ordering Ned Stark to lose his head and then placing it on a spike and showing it off to his daughter, or murdering prostitutes with a crossbow....Joffrey was the one behind it. Did anyone really feel bad when Joffrey finally got his comeuppance at the "Purple Wedding"? No, didn't think so. The only thing we are missing is his extraordinary evilness that blessed our screen whenever he appeared.

5. Arya Stark

House: Stark

From: Winterfell

Dead/Alive: Alive

Brief Synopsis: Who doesn't love them some Arya Stark? The youngest daughter of the Stark family eventually ends up as the most feared person in the family....but it's a long journey to get to that place. She literally goes up and down Westeros looking for revenge for her family once her father is executed by King Joffrey. She ultimately ends up in Braavos and in training under the Many Faced God who is teaching her how to become a badass assassin, who will no doubt create some havoc in the future for anyone who has opposed her family. Have I mentioned how much I love Arya Stark's character lately?

4. Jaime Lannister

House: Lannister

From: Casterly Rock

Dead/Alive: Alive

Brief Synopsis: Jaime Lannister is a rare character on "Game of Thrones". At the start of the show, you absolutely despise the guy. He's sleeping with his sister behind the King's back. He pushes young Bran Stark out of a window paralyzing him. He stabs Ned Stark in the leg injuring him. See? You get my point yet? However, Jaime is the ultimate definition of a character changing for the better. Once he's captured by Robb Stark and held captive, Jaime starts to have a change of heart though. He actually ends up becoming one of the "good" guys in a way and you kind of forgive him for the things he did in the past. We still aren't entirely sure that Jaime is 100% good (he is a Lannister for crying out loud), but one thing we do know is....his character is hands down one of my favorite characters both in the book and on the T.V. show.

3. Jon Snow

House: Stark

From: Winterfell

Dead/Alive: Dead? (He "died" in the season 5 finale after the Night's Watch stabbed him...but we all know he's not actually dead)

Brief Synopsis: You may not know anything Jon Snow, but you're still one of the most interesting characters on the show. How interesting is your character? Your supposed "death" at the end of season five ended up breaking the Internet as people everywhere had their own theory about what happened to him. You want my guess? My guess is that Jon Snow is still very much alive. There's a reason Melisandre ended up showing up at Castle Black on the T.V. show right before Jon met his fate. Plus, Jon Snow's character is too important to the show to just go away. Why would the show creators and George R.R. Martin hide who Jon Snow's real mother was for so long...just to kill Jon Snow and never reveal it? It makes no sense. If you listen to the majority of "GoT' fans, we all think that Jon Snow's parents are Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark ( it), which would make Jon Snow the rightful heir to the throne in King's Landing. I still think we are going to get Daenerys Targaryen, Jon "Targaryen"/Snow, and a third person (Tyrion maybe?!?!!?!) riding Dany's dragons into Westeros to reclaim the land for the Targaryen's and that's going to be OHHHH SOOOO SWEET!!!! If it doesn't happen, I'm going to cry.

2. Daenerys Targaryen

House: Targaryen

From: King's Landing

Dead/Alive: Alive

Brief Synopsis: If you're reading this, there's a good chance you know the story of Daenerys Targaryen by now. She's the "last" remaining member of the Targaryen's and her main mission is to reclaim the Iron Throne that was stolen from her family years ago. The only problem with that is, she has no idea how to do it and is making plenty of costly mistakes along the way. However, we still love her. Why? Because she's our "Khaleesi" and the show HAS to end with her finally winning the Iron Throne (or at least some of it.....)? Right? RIGHT??!?!?!?!?!

1. Tyrion Lannister

House: Lannister

From: Casterly Rock

Dead/Alive: Alive

Brief Synopsis: No explanation needed. No backstory needed. Tyrion Lannister is the best character on "Game of Thrones" whether you're talking books or T.V. show. The man has it all and if he ever ends up dying, I'm going to cry. Seriously. Don't kill Tyrion guys. 

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